I was lying under the moon,
And heather and fern sang in my soul.
My fingers touched my skin
And in my dream
It was yours;
My hands took my breast
And in my dream
It was yours;
My arms embraced my body
And in my dream
It was yours.
And the tongue on my lips
And the flesh on my bones
And the desire burning in me
Were your lighting fire
On my shadows.
I was lying under the moon,
Heather and fern sang in my soul
And whispered my hope.
(je ne sais plus s'il y a une catégorie en anglais; ce n'est pas une chanson, c’est un poème, alors je poste ici et m'excuse par avance s' il comporte des erreurs grammaticales ou fautes de temps...signalez-les moi!!)